Through ecobiology, we consider the skin as an ecosystem made up of living cells that constantly interact with one another and with their environment. This means we are profoundly committed to respecting all living things and care deeply about the impact our products may have on the health of all ecosystems, including aquatic ecosystems. This is why, as a NAOS brand, we support marine researcher teams working to preserve these important sources of biodiversity.

One particular commitment is to regenerate Posidonia, in partnership with Andromède Océanologie.

Andromède logo

marine biologist

Andromède Océanologie is a marine biology research office which, for the last 20 years, has been working tirelessly to preserve the marine environment. Their Research and Development branch closely monitors the bio-indicators of the quality of water and coastal ecosystems, particularly considering key aquatic species like Posidonia. Their work in cartography has allowed them to estimate the surface area of Posidonia meadows, as well as observe the signs of their regression throughout the years.​

posidonia oceanica

Posidonia oceanica, or Posidonia meadow, is a flowering seagrass species native to the Mediterranean Sea. There are 80,000 hectares of Posidonia meadows in the French Mediterranean alone.


Posidonia is a major underwater ecosystem essential to the Mediterranean.  It’s also quite particular, in that no other underwater organism can perform its role in its place. 

Sometimes known as the “lungs of the Mediterranean”, Posidonia meadows are a key source of oxygen in coastal regions.

Underwater Posidonia meadows also capture 4-5 times more carbon than other species of marine flowering plants, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The presence of Posidonia is an important marker for pollution, as they thrive in clean waters.

Posidonia is key to fighting against coastline erosion, as they are more effective than any man-made anti-erosion barriers at keeping coastlines intact by absorbing the impact of the sea swell and trapping the sediment.

It is also a place where certain species such as fish, molluscs and crustaceans produce or deposit their eggs and a nursery for some species.

Why Posidonia?

Posidonia affects every level of the Mediterranean marine ecosystem, from the nurseries of fish who live and feed in its meadows to the coastlines used by humans every day. It’s one of the most important ecosystems in the sea, but also one that is under constant threat of human activity, particularly by ship anchors and chains which churn and uproot the Posidonia.

As a result, in the bay of Juan-les-Pins, there has been more than a 30% regression of Posidonia meadows over the last 5 years alone. If it continues to regress at this rate, it will disappear completely in only a few years. 

  • Laurent Ballesta, marine biologist

    Laurent Ballesta, Biologist photographer - Andromède Océanologie.

    In all science, illustrate and share through underwater images; and each image should show a scientific interest and have meaning.

    Laurent Ballesta, Biologist photographer - Andromède Océanologie.

Anchoring in Posidonia meadows is illegal, but how can ship crews know where not to drop anchor without knowing where they are? This is why Andromède has created DONIA, an anchoring and consumer navigation application that offers the general public access to the extensive underwater mapping conducted by the Andromède team, allowing them to anchor outside of Posidonia meadows. ​

Andromède also works with marine projects to help them reduce their impact on marine ecosystems and species such as Posidonia. ​

anchoring outside posidonia

Where does NAOS come in?

The DONIA app is free and accessible to the public, but must always be kept up to date with the latest underwater mapping. NAOS provides funding to Andromède in order to keep this information as current as possible, to prevent ships from anchoring unknowingly in Posidonia meadows.

Learn more about NAOS commitments for the preservation of aquatic ecosystems



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